What’s new
- #3103 GCloud SDK on Visual Studio 2019 image
- #3112 Android SDKs and Mobile development with C++ on Visual Studio 2019 image
- #3130 Set time zone to UTC on VS 2019 image
- #3131 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.4 on VS 2019 image
- #3133 Fixed: WSL bash.exe conflicting with Git/MSYS one
Previous worker image
There is a build worker image available from previous deployment. You can use it in case of any issues with the current image:
Previous Visual Studio 2019
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2019
What’s new
- #2945 Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects (.vdproj support) on VS 2019 image
- #2969 Boost 1.71.0 on VS 2019 image
- #2970 QT 5.13.1, 5.12.5, 5.9.8 on VS 2019 image
- #3057 MySQL 5.7 on VS 2019 image
- #3068 MSVC++ 14.21 compiler side-by-side support on VS 2019 image
- #3071 VS 2017 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.16) on VS 2019 image
- #3075 Containers, Hyper-V and WSL features on Visual Studio 2019
- #3089 DirectX SDK on VS 2019 image
- #3100 JDK 13 in Visual Studio 2019 image
- #3102 Maven on Visual Studio 2019 image
- #3112 Android SDKs and Mobile development with C++ on Visual Studio 2019 image
- #3114 Windows SDK 8.1 to Visual Studio 2019 image
- #3122 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.2 on VS 2019 image
- #3123 Firefox browser on VS 2019 image
- #3124 Selenium web drivers on VS 2019 image
Previous worker image
There is a build worker image available from previous deployment. You can use it in case of any issues with the current image:
Previous Visual Studio 2019
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2019
What’s new in both Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 images
- Update version of Appveyor Build Agent 7.0.2408
- Update version of OctoTools 6.12.0
- Update version of Virtualenv 16.7.5
- Update version of .NET Core SDK 2.1.802
- Update version of .NET Core SDK 2.2.402
- Install .NET Core SDK 3.0.100
- Update version of Powershell 6.2.3
- Update version of Docker 19.03.2
- Update version of VirtualBox 6.0.12
- Update version of postgresql 11+207
- Update version of Redis server 5.0.6
- Update version of Mono JIT compiler
- Update version of Mono C# compiler
- Update version of AWS CLI 1.16.246
- Update version of Localstack 0.10.3
- Update version of Azure CLI 2.0.74
- Update version of Google Cloud SDK 264.0.0
- Update version of cmake 3.15.3
- Update version of Firefox 69.0.1
- Update version of Chrome 77.0.3865
- Update version of Python 3.8.0b4
- Update version of OpenJDK 14 early access 15
- Update version of Golang 1.11.13
- Update version of Golang 1.12.10
- Install Golang 1.13.1
- Update version of Node.js 12.11.0
Previous worker images
There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:
Previous Ubuntu
Previous Ubuntu1604
Previous Ubuntu1804
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
What’s new
- #3106 .NET Core 3.0 SDK and Runtime
- #3107 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.0
Previous worker image
There is a build worker image available from previous deployment. You can use it in case of any issues with the current image:
Previous Visual Studio 2019
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2019
What’s new
- #2961 Java and JDK (1.7, 1.8, 11.0.2, 12) on Visual Studio 2019
- #2982 .NET Framework 4.8 support on Visual Studio 2019
- #3009 MSYS2 on Visual Studio 2019
- #3010 Octopus tools 6.12.0 on Visual Studio 2019
- #3019 NSIS 3.04 on Visual Studio 2019
- #3022 IIS 10 on Visual Studio 2019 image
- #3027 Additional spectre mitigated libraries on Visual Studio 2019
- #3038 Coverity Scan 2019.03 on Visual Studio 2019
- #3041 .NET Portable Library Targeting Pack on Visual Studio 2019
- #3049 Windows SDK 10.0.17763.0 on Visual Studio 2019
- #3050 Azure CLI 2.0. on Visual Studio 2019
- #3058 Clang-cl v142 build tools on Visual Studio 2019
Previous worker image
There is a build worker image available from previous deployment. You can use it in case of any issues with the current image:
Previous Visual Studio 2019
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2019