Visual Studio 2019 image update on February 18, 2020

What’s new

  • #3319 Fixed: Visual Studio 2019 license expires today
  • #3321 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4.5

Previous worker image

There is a build worker image available from previous deployment. You can use it in case of any issues with the current image:

Previous Visual Studio 2019

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Visual Studio 2019

Windows images update on January 18, 2020

What’s new

  • #2835 Ninja 1.9.0 and Meson 0.52.1
  • #3196 CygWin with Python 3.8
  • #3197 Qt 5.12.6
  • #3221 CMake to 3.16.2
  • #3223 PostgreSQL 12
  • #3236 AWS CLI 1.17.4
  • #3242 Git 2.25.0
  • #3247 Octopus Tools 6.17.0
  • #3261 LLVM 9.0.1
  • #3266 GitVersion 5.1.3
  • #3274 OpenSSL 1.0.2u
  • #3279 .NET Core SDK (Runtime): 2.1.803 (2.1.15)
  • #3280 Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI VU
  • #3281 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4.3
  • #3282 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.19
  • #3283 Node.js 8.17.0, 10.18.1, 12.14.1, 13.6.0
  • #3284 Git LFS 2.9.2
  • #3285 Chrome 79
  • #3286 Firefox 72
  • #3287 Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 79.0.309.65
  • #3288 Selenium drivers update: Chrome 79.0.3945.36
  • #3289 .NET Core SDK (Runtime): 3.0.102 (3.0.2), 3.1.101 (3.1.1)
  • #3290 Qt 5.9.9
  • #3292 Update Docker images on VS 2017 image
  • #3293 Yarn 1.21.1

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2019
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2013

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Visual Studio 2017

Ubuntu images update on January 15, 2020

What’s new in both Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 images

  • Install of graphviz 2.40.1
  • Update version of clang 9.0.1
  • Update version of Octopus Tools 6.17.0
  • Update version of MS SQL server 15.0.4003
  • Install of doxygen 1.8.17
  • Update version of AWS CLI 1.17.0
  • Update version of Localstack 0.10.7
  • Update version of azure-cli 2.0.79
  • Update version of Google Cloud SDK 275.0.0
  • Update version of cmake 3.16.2
  • Update version of firefox 72.0.1
  • Update version of Packer 1.5.1

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Ubuntu
  • Previous Ubuntu1604
  • Previous Ubuntu1804

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Ubuntu

Visual Studio 2019 image update on January 9, 2020

What’s new

  • #1608 Setting up Visual Studio for debugging extensions. This one-time operation may take a minute or more.
  • #3245 Qt 5.14.0 on VS 2019 image
  • #3248 Qt 5.12.6 on VS 2019 image
  • #3251 GitLFS 2.9.2 on VS 2019 image
  • #3252 Octopus Tools 6.17.0 on VS 2019 image
  • #3253 Git 2.24 on VS 2019 image
  • #3254 PostgreSQL 12 on VS 2019 image
  • #3255 CMake 3.16.2 on VS 2019 image
  • #3256 Ninja 1.9.0 and Meson 0.52.1 on VS 2019 image
  • #3258 Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4.2
  • #3260 Install x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0 on Visual Studio 2019 im
  • #3270 GitVersion 5.1.3 on VS 2019 image
  • #3272 Fixed: Visual Studio 2019 license has expired
  • #3273 OpenSSL 1.0.2u on VS 2019 image

Previous worker image

There is a build worker image available from previous deployment. You can use it in case of any issues with the current image:

Previous Visual Studio 2019

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Visual Studio 2019

Linux images update on December 23, 2019

What’s new in both Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 images

  • Install of .NET Core SDK 3.1.100
  • Update version of git 2.24.1
  • Update version of git-lfs 2.9.2
  • Update version of VirtualBox 6.1.0
  • Update version of mongodb 4.2.2
  • Update version of Mono JIT compiler
  • Update version of Visual C# Compiler version 3.4.0-beta4
  • Update version of Mono C# compiler
  • Update version of yarn 1.21.1
  • Update version of AWS CLI 1.16.303
  • Update version of Localstack 0.10.6
  • Update version of Google Cloud SDK 273.0.0
  • Update version of cmake 3.16.1
  • Update version of Chrome 79.0.3945

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Ubuntu
  • Previous Ubuntu1604
  • Previous Ubuntu1804

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Ubuntu