What’s new
- Powershell 7.4.6
- Python 3.12.8, 3.13.1
- nuget 6.12.1
- git 2.47.1
- Coverity Scan 2023.12.2
- Qt 6.8.1
- Octopus CLI 2.11.0
- dotnet SDK 9.0.101
- OpenSSL 3.2.3, 3.4.0
- Node 22.11.0, 23.2.0
- Ruby 3.2.6-1, 3.3.6-2
- Go 1.23.4, 1.22.10
Previous worker images
There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:
Previous Visual Studio 2019
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2019
What’s new
- Powershell 7.4.6
- Python 3.12.8, 3.13.1
- nuget 6.12.1
- git 2.47.1
- Coverity Scan 2023.12.2
- Qt 6.8.1
- Octopus CLI 2.11.0
- dotnet SDK 9.0.101
- OpenSSL 3.2.3, 3.4.0
- Node 22.11.0, 23.2.0
- Ruby 3.2.6-1, 3.3.6-2
- Go 1.23.4, 1.22.10
Previous worker images
There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:
Previous Visual Studio 2022
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2022
What’s new
- Powershell 7.4.4
- 7-zip 24.08
- nuget 6.11.0
- git 2.46.0
- nunit 3.18.1
- Qt 6.7.2
- Ruby 3.1.6, 3.2.5, 3.3.3
- .NET core 6.0.425, 7.0.410, 8.0.401
- Chrome 127.0.6533.119
- Edge 127.0.2651.105
- Firefox 129.0.1
- Chrome driver 127.0.6533.119
- Edge driver 127.0.2651.105
- geckodriver 0.35.0
- Python 3.12.5, 3.13.0rc1
- Node 20.17.0, 22.6.0
- Go 1.23.0, 1.22.6
- JDK 21.0.2, 22
- Flutter 3.24.1
- Postgresql 16.4, 15.8, 14.13, 13.16, 12.20
- Doxygen 1.12.0
- LLVM 18.1.8
- Maven 3.9.9
- Boost 1.86.0
- Wix 3.14.1
- OpenSSL 3.0.15, 3.2.3, 3.3.2
Previous worker images
There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:
Previous Visual Studio 2022
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2022
What’s new
- Powershell 7.4.4
- 7-zip 24.08
- nuget 6.11.0
- git 2.46.0
- nunit 3.18.1
- Qt 6.7.2
- Ruby 3.1.6, 3.2.5, 3.3.3
- .NET core 6.0.425, 7.0.410, 8.0.401
- Chrome 127.0.6533.119
- Edge 127.0.2651.105
- Firefox 129.0.1
- Chrome driver 127.0.6533.119
- Edge driver 127.0.2651.105
- geckodriver 0.35.0
- Python 3.12.5, 3.13.0rc1
- Node 20.17.0, 22.6.0
- Go 1.23.0, 1.22.6
- JDK 21.0.2, 22
- Flutter 3.24.1
- Postgresql 16.4, 15.8, 14.13, 13.16, 12.20
- Doxygen 1.12.0
- LLVM 18.1.8
- Maven 3.9.9
- Boost 1.86.0
- Wix 3.14.1
Previous worker images
There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:
Previous Visual Studio 2019
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml
image: Previous Visual Studio 2019
What’s new
- Python 3.10.14, 3.11.9, 3.12.4, 3.13.0b3
- CMake 3.29.7
- LLVM(clang) 18
- JDK 22.0.2
- Flutter 3.22.2
- Go 1.21.12, 1.22.5
- Qt 6.7.2
- Powershell 7.4.4
- Git 2.45.2
- Ruby 3.2.4, 3.3.4
- RabbitMQ 3.13.6-1
- MongoDB 6.0.16
- Google cloud SDK 484.0.0 (Ubuntu 18.04)
- Google cloud SDK 485.0.0 (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04)
- Node 20.16.0, 21.7.3, 22.5.1 (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04)
- Docker 27.1.1 (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04)
- AWS cli 1.33.1 (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04)
- Azure cli 2.60.0 (Ubuntu 18.04)
- Azure cli 2.62.0 (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04)
- Virtualbox 7.0.18 (Ubuntu 18.04)
- Virtualbox 7.0.20 (Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04)
- dotnet SDK 8.0.303 (20.04 and 22.04)
- MySQL 8.0.37 (20.04 and 22.04)
- Firefox 128.0 (20.04 and 22.04)
- GCC 10.5.0 (20.04)
- GCC 12.3.0, 13.1.0 (22.04)
- Chrome 122.0.6261.128 (18.04)
- Chrome 127.0.6533.72 (20.04 and 22.04)
- manylinux2014 docker image
Previous worker images
There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:
Previous Ubuntu1804
Previous Ubuntu2004
Previous Ubuntu2204
You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml