Running builds on Azure


During the following steps you will need to collect a number of configuration and authentication settings to configure Azure builds in AppVeyor. For better productivity we recommend making some deployment notes (it can be just a notepad file in secure location or password manager section) with the following fields:

  • AAD application name
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Tenant ID
  • Subscription ID
  • VMs resource group
  • Location
  • Disk storage account name
  • Security group name
  • Virtual network name

Create Azure Active Directory (AAD) service account

Now, let’s start from creating AAD application.

In Azure Portal navigate to Azure Active Directory blade.

Select App registrations.

Click New application registration.

Specify application details:

  • Name: appveyor-enterprise (this is AAD application name in your notes)
  • Application type: Web app/API
  • Sign-on URL: http://appveyor-enterprise

On application details page copy Application ID and save it as Client ID in your notes.

Open Keys page and add a new key:

  • Description: appveyor-enterprise-key
  • Expires: Never expires (or whatever is suggested by your company policy)

Save and copy generated key value - this is Client secret in your notes.

To find your Tenant ID navigate back to Azure Active Directory blade.

Select Properties.

Copy Directory ID and save it as Tenant ID in your notes.

Finally, to get Subscription ID navigate to Subscription blade.

After this step you should have the following values:

  • AAD application name
  • Client ID
  • Client secret
  • Tenant ID
  • Subscription ID

Related materials:

Create Resource Group

Login to Azure Portal

Select Resource groups. You may need to go to More services in the bottom of the left menu and type Resource groups in Filter.

Click Add to create new resource groups. Name it consistently with what was chosen for AAD application, for example appveyor-enterprise.

Save resource group name in your deployment notes as VMs resource group.

To assign AAD application created above to the resource group as a Contributor open resource group details blade and select Access control (IAM).

Click Add button to add new permissions:

  • Role: Contributor
  • Select: appveyor-enterprise (this is AAD application name)

Make sure the application was found.

Click Save.

Now AppVeyor application will be able to create/modify/delete Azure resources in appveyor-enterprise resource group only.

Create Storage Account

Azure storage account will be used for storing master and build worker VM disks and, optionally, build artifacts.

Login to Azure Portal and select Storage accounts (you may need to go to More services in the bottom of the left menu and type Storage accounts in Filter).

Click Add to open Create storage account blade. Enter the following details (only important settings described, please feel free to leave default value for others):

  • Name: <yourcompany>appveyorenterprise - the name must be unique across Azure. Save this name as Disk storage account name in your notes.
  • Deployment model: Resource manager.
  • Performance: Premium - recommended if you are going to use DS VM series to run your builds.
  • Replication: Locally-redundant storage (LRS)
  • Secure transfer required: Disabled
  • Resource group: Use existing - appveyor-enterprise
  • Location: Choose whatever is closer to services your builds might depend on. Save selected location as Location in your notes.

Create Master VM

Master VM is used as a template for creating new build worker VMs. On that VM you install all software required by AppVeyor and any additional software required by your builds. You do a snapshot (copy) of VM’s OS disk and then us it as a template (image in AppVeyor terms) to provision new build worker VMs.

Please note, that in this document we use Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter OS as the most popular and most tested with AppVeyor. However, AppVeyor supports both Windows Server 2012 R2 with .NET framework 4.5 installed and Windows Server 2016.

Login to Azure Portal and navigate to Virtual machines blade.

Click Add and on Compute blade select Windows Server.

Click Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter:

  • Select a deployment model: Resource Manager
  • Click Create button.

On Basics step:

  • Name: appveyor-master
  • VM disk type: SSD
  • User name: appveyor
  • Password: <your password>
  • Subscription: <your subscription>
  • Resource group: Use existing - appveyor-enterprise
  • Location: <the same location as for storage account>

Click OK.

On Size step:

  • We recommend at least DS2_V2, but you are free to select any size working for your workloads.
  • Click Select.

On Settings step:

  • Availability set: None
  • Storage:
    • Use managed disks: No
    • Storage account: <storage account name from created above>
  • Network:
    • Virtual network: appveyor-enterprise-vnet (save in your notes as Virtual network name)
    • Subnet: default (
    • Public IP address: leave default
    • Network security group: Create new - appveyor-enterprise-nsg (save in your notes as Security group name)
  • Extensions: No extensions
  • Auto-shutdown: Off
  • Monitoring:
    • Boot diagnostics: Enabled
    • Guest OS diagnostics: Disabled
  • Diagnostics storage account: leave default

On Purchase step:

  • Validate VM details and click Purchase button.

Wait unti VM is deployed and click Connect button to download RDP file. Verify that you can connect via RDP with User Name and Password created earlier in this section.

Setup Master VM

Login into master VM via RDP.

Follow these steps to configure VM and install software required for your build process. It is tested PowerShell scripts which can be simply copy-pasted to PowerShell window (started in privileged mode). Specifically:

Install any additional software required for your builds.

Do not sysprep master VM!

Shutdown VM from either RDP session or Stop it from Azure Portal (this will fully deallocate its resources and avoiding excessive charges).

Create an image from Master VHD

In Azure Portal open VM details blade and select Disks.

Click OS disk details and copy its VHD URI.

Return back to VM details and click Delete to delete VM. While VM will be deleted its OS disk’s VHD will stay intact. You should delete VM to release a “lease” from OS disk’s VHD, so we can copy it.

Now, when VM is completely deleted let’s copy its OS disk’s VHD to a different location thus making a snapshot or image.

To run the following script you should install Azure PowerShell (that article suggests installing Azure PowerShell via PowerShell Gallery, however, alternatively, you can install Azure PowerShell modules with MSI from Azure PowerShell releases page).

Next, open PowerShell ISE console and run the script creating destination container and copying master image into it [raw]. You will be prompted for source VHD UI, source and destination account credentials.

To get storage account access key navigate to Storage accounts blade then click storage details.

On storage details screen select Access keys and copy key1 value.

Add build cloud in AppVeyor

Login to AppVeyor web console and navigate to Account Settings menu → Build environment page.

Click Add cloud and select cloud type Azure.

Fill the following mandatory settings:

  • Name: Name for your private build cloud. Make it meaningful and short to be able to use in YAML configuration
  • Client ID: Client ID from deployment notes
  • Client secret: Client Secret from deployment notes
  • Tenant ID: Tenant ID from deployment notes
  • Subscription ID: Subscription ID from deployment notes
  • VMs resource group: VMs resource group from deployment notes
  • Location: Select the same location as Location from deployment notes (storage account location)
  • Machine size: Select DS series or better (assuming you selected premium performance when created storage account)
  • Disk storage account name: Disk storage account name from deployment notes
  • Disk storage container: Storage container where VMs will be created, for example build-vms
  • Virtual network name: Name of auto-created VNET for your VM resource group. It should look like <vm_resource_group>-vnet. Please open Azure Portal, navigate resource of type Virtual Network and ensure that name you entered is correct.
  • Subnet name: In Azure Portal under Virtual Networks navigate to Subnets and copy-paste subnet name. Usually it is default. Optionally you can create separate subnet for AppVeyor build VMs.
  • Security group name: Security group name from deployment notes
  • Images
    • IMAGE NAME: Image name as you want to see it in AppVeyor UI and YAML, for example VS2013 with WMF3
    • VHD BLOB PATH Path to master VHD within storage account without storage account name (images/master2017-01-05.vhd in our example)
  • Expand Failure strategy section and set the following (needed to overcome Azure VM provisioning latency):
    • Job start timeout, seconds: 1200 (wait for 20 minutes for Azure VM to be created) or more
    • Provisioning attempts: 2 or more

Add build worker image in AppVeyor

In AppVeyor web console navigate to Account Settings menu → Build environment → Build worker images.

Click Add image and enter the following details:

  • Image name: <image name from steps above>
  • OS type: Windows
  • Build cloud: <cloud name from steps above>

Set default worker image and build cloud

Navigate to Account Settings menu → Build environment.

Update the following settings:

  • Default build cloud: <cloud name from steps above>
  • Default build worker image: <image name from steps above>

Click Save.

Creating Master VM from existing VHD

To update Master VHD and create a new image for AppVeyor you should create a new Azure VM from existing VHD.

On your computer run PowerShell script to create Azure VM from existing VHD (raw). This script depends on Azure PowerShell cmdlets. You can copy all the data this script requires from Azure cloud details in AppVeyor.

Routing build to your own cloud

At project level:

  • UI:
    • Settings > Environment > Build cloud: Select your private build cloud name from drop-down
    • Settings > Environment > Build worker image: Select your build worker image from drop-down
  • YAML:
build_cloud: <private_build_cloud_name>
image: <private_build_cloud_image>

At project level:

  • Set environment variable “APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_CLOUD” to your private build cloud name
    • This assumes that default and custom build clouds have build worker image with the same name (for example Visual Studio 2015)
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