Running builds as local process
Prepare agent machine
Minimum requirements:
- Windows Server 2012 R2 (Windows 8.1) or higher
- .NET Framework 4.5.2
- Disk space should be enough to clone repository and store build artefacts
- Internet connectivity
- Currently we require outbound Internet connectivity at TCP (not HTTP) level (behind router or NAT). We are working on proxy support, please watch this issue
Setup agent machine software
Download and install AppVeyor Host agent on agent machine
This setting can be useful if you need to run UI tests.
Restart computer to ensure that changes auto-logon/run works as expected.
Download and install AppVeyor build agent on agent machine
Download and install additional software required by build process
Follow these steps to configure VM and install software required for your build process. It is tested PowerShell scripts which can be simply copy-pasted to PowerShell window (started in privileged mode). Specifically:
Install any additional software required for your builds.
Setting up custom cloud and images in AppVeyor
- Login to AppVeyor portal
- Navigate to your account level Settings in the top manu and select Build environment option from the drop-down
- If Build environment option is not available, please contact and ask to enable Private build clouds feature
- Press Add cloud, select cloud type Process
Complete the following settings:
- Name: Name for your local process environment. Make it meaningful and short to be able to use in YAML configuration.
- Host authorization token: generate host authorization token or enter it manually.
- Workers capacity: In local process context this means number of AppVeyor build agents could be spin up in parallel.
- Note that every build agent consumes about at least 15 Mb of memory, with additional overhead which depends on build tool is being used.
- CPU consumption is also can vary depending on specific build tool/scenario
- Number of parallel build cannot be greater than what is allowed in AppVeyor plan regardless of Workers capacity setting.
- Project builds directory: Set folder to be used to clone and run builds on agent machine
- Build Agent directory: leave it blanc is Agent installation happened with default settings, otherwise set accordingly.
- Open Failure strategy and set the following:
- Job start timeout, seconds: 180 should good enough for modern server. However, please feel free to increase according to your observation with specific machine.
- Provisioning attempts: 2 is good for start. Later you may need to change it according to your observations
Make build worker image available for configuration
Though image term does not fit into local process scenario, it is required to set some image to be able to wire specific environment to specific project.
- Navigate to Build environment > Build worker images
- Press Add image
- Enter any name you like as IMAGE NAME
How to route build to your own cloud
At project level:
- UI:
- Settings > Environment > Build cloud: Select your local process environment name from drop-down
- Settings > Environment > Build worker image: Select your image name set in previous step from drop-down
build_cloud: <process_environment_name>
image: <process_environment_image>
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