Testing with Node.js

Quick start

Put this simple appveyor.yml to the root of your repository and it should work for most Node.js projects out there:

# Test against the latest version of this Node.js version
  - Visual Studio 2022

  nodejs_version: "20"

# Install scripts. (runs after repo cloning)
  # Get the latest stable version of Node.js
  - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version
  # install modules
  - npm install

# Post-install test scripts.
  # Output useful info for debugging.
  - node --version
  - npm --version
  # run tests
  - npm test

# Don't actually build.
build: off

Line endings

By default, Git on build workers is configured with git config --global core.autocrlf input which means your repo is cloned “as is” without fixing new lines on Windows. If you have a file with a string abc\n line2 it will be checked out exactly as abc\n line2 and if there is line1 \r\n line2 in the repo you’ll get the same on checkout. See this SO answer explaining in details core.autocrlf modes.

However, if you expect Git to fix line endings on Windows and checkout all strings with \r\n you could tell Git doing that during init phase of your build which occurs before cloning command:

  - git config --global core.autocrlf true

We do not recommend relying on core.autocrlf value set on AppVeyor build workers and always explicitly change this setting during the build or have it configured per-repository.

Selecting Node.js version

Build workers have the most recent versions of Node.js pre-installed - both x86 and x64. If you do nothing your scripts will run under Node.js 22.1.x (x86) (at the time of writing).

To switch to a different version of Node.js use the following PowerShell command:

Install-Product node <version> [x86|x64]

<version> can be specified as MAJOR to install absolute latest version of Node.js, MAJOR.MINOR to install the latest Node.js build or MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD to install specific build.

For example to switch runtime to the latest version of Node.js use this command (at the time of writing this is the latest 22.x branch):

Install-Product node ''

To switch Node.js to the latest available 20.x branch use:

Install-Product node 20

To select specific x64 version of Node v21.7.3:

Install-Product node 21.7.3 x64

In appveyor.yml you should prefix the command with ps to tell AppVeyor it’s PowerShell:

  - ps: Install-Product node 22

How that works

Pre-installed Node.js distributives are stored in C:\avvm\node folder. When you run Install-Product node command it’s, basically, moving nodejs folder from there to Program Files, so the switch is very quick. To check what versions are available on build worker you could do dir C:\avvm\node.

The following paths are always added to PATH environment variable:

C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs
C:\Program Files\nodejs

Installing any version of Node.js

Sometimes pre-installed versions of Node.js are little behind, but what if you need to test under bleeding edge. You could use another PowerShell cmdlet which does full re-install of Node.js to a selected version.

Update-NodeJsInstallation <version> [x86|x64]

Here <version> is exact version of Node.js.

For example, the following command will download and install Node.js v21.7.3:

Update-NodeJsInstallation 21.7.3

There is a helper cmdlet checking the remote dist directory of Node.js to determine the absolute latest build available:

Get-NodeJsLatestBuild <major>.<minor>

It could be used together with the previous cmdlet to always install the latest build, for example:

Update-NodeJsInstallation (Get-NodeJsLatestBuild 1.0)

Testing under multiple versions of Node.js

AppVeyor enables easy testing against multiple combinations of platforms, configurations, and environments with build matrix.

To test under the latest version of Node.js you can specify in appveyor.yml:

    - nodejs_version: "18"
    - nodejs_version: "20"
    - nodejs_version: "22"

  - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version

To allow failing jobs for bleeding-edge Node.js versions:

    - nodejs_version: "22"

What if you need to test under a specific version of Node.js for both x86 and x64 platforms? You could add another “dimension” to the matrix, for example:

    - nodejs_version: "18"
    - nodejs_version: "20"

  - x86
  - x64

  - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version $env:platform

This configuration will produce a build with 4 jobs for all combinations of node version and platform:

Node.js 18.x   x86
Node.js 18.x   x64
Node.js 20.x   x86
Node.js 20.x   x64

Deploying a Node.js website to Azure

You can use Web Deploy to deploy your Node.js website to Azure.

Authenticating NPM for publishing packages

For publishing packages to NPM registry during the build npm client should be authenticated. On your development machine, you run npm adduser command to set npm credentials.

On AppVeyor build worker you don’t need to run npm adduser, but you can just move npm authToken from your local machine to a build VM. This is what you have to do:

  1. Do npm adduser on your local dev machine.
  2. Copy authToken value from %userprofile%\.npmrc on your local machine.
  3. In AppVeyor, on Environment tab of project settings add a new environment variable with name npm_auth_token and the valued copied on step 2. Click “lock” icon to mark the variable as “secure” (so it won’t be available for PR builds).
  4. Add to your appveyor.yml:
- ps: '"//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=$env:npm_auth_token`n" | out-file "$env:userprofile\.npmrc" -Encoding ASCII'
- npm whoami

npm whoami should display your username.

Known issues

Wrong output encoding

When running npm install (or any other Node.js program writing to a console) you may notice that Unicode symbols written to build console look wrong:


This is because you are calling that program from PowerShell:

- ps: npm install

To fix that run it in “shell” mode:

- npm install


At the moment it seems to be an issue with PowerShell and the way it redirects output from console apps to a custom PowerShell host.

Garbled or missing output

Sometimes you may notice that output of some Node.js programs (especially those ones actively writing to both StdOut and StdErr) is garbled or missing.

Locking errors (EPERM, EEXIST, tgz.lock)

Sometimes you may encounter sporadic “lock” errors that might look like:

npm ERR! Error: EPERM, open 'C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache{something}-package-tgz.lock'
npm ERR! EEXIST, open '{some-path}\npm-cache{something}-package-tgz.lock'

More info about npm troubleshooting on Windows.

Unexpected error messages with a successful run

Sometimes npm commands/tasks will show errors in the build log, but the build will succeed as if there weren’t any. This can happen with npm ci where all packages are resolved and installed, but an error pointing back to the build script may show.

This is because you’re calling the script from PowerShell:

- ps: ./build.ps1

To fix this run it in “shell” mode:

- powershell ./build.ps1
- cmd: powershell ./build.ps1

Note that this can happen even when calling npm from other build tools such as Cake and the Cake.Npm addin.

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