Publishing artifacts to GitHub Releases

The GitHub deployment provider uploads build artifacts to an existing GitHub release or creates a new release if one does not already exist. You can publish artifacts during the build or use staged deployment by configuring new environment of GitHub type at

Note that the provider name GitHub is case sensitive (e.g. not Github).

Table of contents:

Usage scenarios

Release every tag build

In this scenario, the GitHub deployment step is configured to run as part of the build process.

  1. Add new tag in local repo.
  2. Push tag to GitHub repo and start a new AppVeyor build.
  3. AppVeyor creates a new release based on that tag and uploads artifacts.

Alternatively, you may tell AppVeyor to create a “draft” release so you can perform any final checks before making it public.

Promoting selected tag to GitHub release

In this scenario you configure a new “Environment” of GitHub type at, then:

  1. Add new tag in local repo.
  2. Push tag to GitHub repo and start a new AppVeyor build.
  3. Build produces artifacts.

To promote selected “tag” build to GitHub release:

  1. Go to project “Deployments” tab and deploy to GitHub environment.
  2. AppVeyor creates a new release and pushes selected build artifacts into it.

NOTE: If the current build is based on a regular commit then a new tag is created (either explicitly or automatically named in tag field of deployment settings as described below) along with the release. This means that, unless you have skip_tags set to true, the creation of the tag will also send a webhook to Appveyor, and the deployment process will begin again, and so on.

To avoid this possible cycle, you can set skip_tags to true. However, you may be using on: key to conditionally build and deploy only on tags you create manually. In this case, you can specify tag: $(APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME) in deployment settings without skipping tags, and the manually created tag will be updated instead of a new one being created.

Provider settings

  • Tag name (tag) - Optional. If not specified build tag or version is used. You can use environment variables in tag name, for example myproduct-v$(APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION).
  • Release name (release) - Optional. The name of release. If not specified tag name is used as release name. You can use environment variables in release name, for example product release of v$(APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION).
  • Release description (description) - mandatory release description. If not specified, GitHub returns 422: Unprocessable entity error.
  • GitHub authentication token (auth_token) - OAuth token used for authentication against GitHub API. You can generate Personal API access token at Minimal token scope is repo or public_repo to release on private or public repositories respectively. The permissions repo:status, repo_deployment are necessary for successful deployment of artifacts to GitHub. Be sure to encrypt your token using “Encrypt configuration data” page in AppVeyor (AccountEncrypt YAML).
  • Repository name (repository) - Optional. Allows to deploy into repository other than project’s one. Note that if this repository is under another owner, GitHub authentication token should be generated under that owner too. Use owner/repo format.
  • Artifact to deploy (artifact) - Optional. Allows specifying one or more build artifacts to be uploaded as release assets. The value could be comma-delimited list of artifact’s file name, deployment name or regular expression matching one of these. For example bin\release\ or /.*\.nupkg/. Don’t forget to package your artifact first, as the deployment will fail if this value does not match or artifacts.path (even if the file exists.)
  • Draft release (draft) - true if draft release should be created; default is false.
  • Pre-release (prerelease) - true to mark release as “pre-release”; default is false.
  • Force update (force_update) - true to overwrite files in an existing release; default is false which will fail deployment if the release already exists on GitHub.

Configuring in appveyor.yml

  release: myproduct-v$(APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION)
  description: 'Release description'
  provider: GitHub
    secure: <your encrypted token> # your encrypted token from GitHub
  artifact: /.*\.nupkg/            # upload all NuGet packages to release assets
  draft: false
  prerelease: false
    branch: master                 # release from master branch only
    APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true        # deploy on tag push only
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