The problem

If you use git flow you may want to have a different build configuration (e.g. deploying to a different environment) in a feature branch. Changing appveyor.yml in a feature branch becomes an issue when you merge it into master overriding appveyor.yml and breaking master builds.

The solution

To solve this problem AppVeyor allows having multiple per-branch configurations in a single appveyor.yml.

Multiple configurations are defined as a list with branches section in every item that:

# configuration for "master" branch
# build in Release mode and deploy to Azure
      - master

  configuration: Release
    provider: AzureCS

# configuration for all branches starting from "dev-"
# build in Debug mode and deploy locally for testing
      - /dev-.*/

  configuration: Debug
    provider: Local

# "fall back" configuration for all other branches
# no "branches" section defined
# do not deploy at all
  configuration: Debug

Unlike white- and blacklisting branches section here works like a selector, not a filter. Configuration selection algorithm is the following:

  • Check configurations with branches/only section defined. If branch is found in configuration’s only section use this configuration.
  • Check configurations with branches/except section defined. If branch is NOT found in configuration’s exceptsection use this configuration.
  • Check configurations without branches section. If such configuration is found use it.
  • If all previous steps fail, the build is not run.
