Branches and Tags

AppVeyor has built-in multi-branch support.

Default branch which can be specified on the General tab of project settings is built whenever a new build is started from Projects UI, schedule or API. When you do a push to the repository AppVeyor will start a new build of the branch in the last commit of the push data.

White- and blacklisting

All branches are built by default. You can either manually skip a build or setup included/excluded branches on the General tab of project settings or in appveyor.yml:

To specify the list of allowed branches:

    - master
    - production

To specify the list of branches that must be ignored:

    - /dev/     # You can use Regular expression to match multiple branch name(s)
    - playground

gh-pages branch is always excluded unless explicitly added in “only” list.

Regular expressions should be surrounded by /, otherwise Appveyor will do simple case insensitive string comparison.

Please note, only does not exclude pull requests if they are based on that branch.

Despite the option name, only and except is applied to tag names too, so the above example using only would cause tags not trigger the build. For example to enable builds for a tag version scheme like v1.0.0 you would need:

    - master
    - production
    - /v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/

Conditional build configuration

If you use git flow you may want to have a different build configuration (e.g. deploying to a different environment) in a feature branch. Changing appveyor.yml in a feature branch becomes an issue when you merge it into master overriding appveyor.yml and breaking master builds.

To solve this problem AppVeyor allows having multiple per-branch configurations in a single appveyor.yml.

Multiple configurations are defined as a list with branches section in every item that:

# configuration for "master" branch
# build in Release mode and deploy to Azure
      - master

  configuration: Release
    provider: AzureCS

# configuration for all branches starting from "dev-"
# build in Debug mode and deploy locally for testing
      - /dev-/

  configuration: Debug
    provider: Local

# "fall back" configuration for all other branches
# no "branches" section defined
# do not deploy at all
  configuration: Debug

Unlike white- and blacklisting branches section here works like a selector, not a filter. Configuration selection algorithm is the following:

  • Check configurations with branches/only section defined. If branch is found in configuration’s only section use this configuration.
  • Check configurations with branches/except section defined. If branch is NOT found in configuration’s except section use this configuration.
  • Check configurations WITHOUT branches section. If such configuration found use it.
  • If all previous steps fail build is not run.

Build on tags (GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, Gitea)

By default AppVeyor starts a new build on any push to a repository, whether it’s a regular commit or a new tag. Repository tagging is frequently used to trigger deployment.

AppVeyor sets APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG environment variable to distinguish regular commits from tags - the value is true if tag was pushed; otherwise it’s false. When it’s true the name of tag is stored in APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME.

You can use APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG variable to trigger deployment on tag only, for example:

- provider: Environment
  name: production

However, please note that in the case of an annotated tag, branch and APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG are mutually exclusive. This is because, for a webhook created as a result of an annotated tag, there is no practical, reliable way to recognize which branch the tag was created from. Therefore, with this setting, deployment will happen only for the master branch:

- provider: Environment
  name: production
    branch: master # only this will work
    APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true # condition will never be evaluated

So if you need to deploy on both branch and tag, please create two provider sections under deploy like this:

  - provider: Environment
    name: production
      branch: master

  - provider: Environment
    name: production

You can disable builds on new tags through UI (General tab of project settings) or in appveyor.yml:

skip_tags: true

Sharing common configuration between branches

AppVeyor allows sharing common configuration between branches in a single appveyor.yml.

There is for node with a list of branch-specific configurations overriding common configuration defined on the top most level, for example:

# common configuration for ALL branches
  MY_VAR1: value-A

- do_something_on_init.cmd

- do_something_on_install.cmd

configuration: Debug

# here we are going to override common configuration

# override settings for `master` branch
      - master

  configuration: Release

    provider: FTP

# override settings for `dev-*` branches
      - /dev-/

    MY_VAR2: value-B

    provider: Local

In the example above we define environment, init and install sections for all branches as well as stating that default configuration is Debug. Then, for master branch we override default settings by changing configuration to Release and adding deployment with FTP provider. For dev-* branches we define a second environment variable MY_VAR2 and enable deployment to Local environment.

Configuration merging rules:

  • Scalar values such as image, version, configuration, platform, etc. defined on branch level override default ones;
  • Script sections such init, install, before_build, test_script, etc. defined on branch level override default ones;
  • Environment variables defined in environment sections are merged (new) and overridden (existing);
  • Build matrix defined on branch level merges with default one;
  • deploy, artifacts, notifications section can be either overridden or extended.

For example, consider the following configuration:

- path: bin

- provider: Local

- provider: Email

      - master

  - path: docs

  deploy: off

    provider: Slack

In the example above we do the following:

  • For master branch we adding docs folder to artifacts definition, so both bin and docs folders collected. Both default and branch-specific collections were merged.
  • For master branch we disable any deployment. off or none on branch-level clears default collection.
  • For master branch we replace all notifications on default level with a single Slack notification.
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